Planned start: 13/02/2025 00:00 (AEDT).
Planned end: 13/02/2025 06:00 (AEDT).
Interruptions are scheduled between the following times: 13/02/2025 00:00 (AEDT) to 13/02/2025 01:30 (AEDT).
nbn is upgrading equipment in the Aggregation Network at the POI (Point of Interconnect) as part of the hardware lifecycle replacement. nbn undertakes this work during the night-time to minimise impact to customers. Provisioning and Testing & Diagnostics will not be available during the outage. During and post a change window there will be delays in the processing of Orders (AVC, CVC, NNI). RSPs may continue to successfully submit Orders via the nbn Service Portal and API.